Freshmen Academy

Why have we implemented a Freshman Academy at Franklin County High School?

The purpose of the Freshman Academy is to serve as a structure for delivering academic and social adjustment strategies, which will assist ninth grade students in transition and provide a foundation for future success.

Nationwide, results show that the dropout and failure rates among ninth graders are severely high. The failure or success of a student in the ninth grade year usually determines if he or she will graduate
from high school.

Four teams of four teachers, each representing English, Math, Science, and Social Studies, have come together to formulate the Freshman Academy Faculty. Potential instructional focus will center on orientation of new students, advisory groups, study skills, enrichment programs, and incentive reward programs, Long term goals as a result of the formation of the freshman academy is to also revisit our Upper School (Grades 10. 11, and 12) philosophy and incorporate social adjustment strategies, academic support, career planning, and post secondary education orientation.

What will the Freshman Academy do for you?

  1. Allow students to concentrate on academic courses with the support and encouragement from a core group of teachers, peers, counselors and administrators.
  2. Improve daily attendance.
  3. Decrease core course failures.
  4. Decrease number of discipline referrals.
  5. Reduce ninth grade dropout and failure rates.
  6. Increase number in honors classes.
  7. Increase number of students who pass the End of Course Assessment.
  8. Create a safer and more personal high school learning environment.
  9. Graduate students with necessary tools/skills for transition into postsecondary education and career goals.
  10. Students only attend core classes with their peers. This will help minimize status differences among students.

What classes will students be taking in the Freshman Academy?

Students will be enrolled in 4 core classes in the areas of English, Math, Social Studies, and Science. This will leave room in their schedules for two or three classes per semester in other elective areas.

Parents/Guardians and students we are looking forward to working with you to make a smooth and successful transition from middle school to high school. In the next few months, you will be meeting new people, getting to know your new school environment, and learning more about high school life. Please know that we are here to help you.